Free U.S. Shipping
International Shipping costs are calculated during checkout based on weight, dimensions and destination of the items in the order. Payment for shipping will be collected with the purchase.
This price will be the final price for shipping cost to the customer.
Transit Time Domestically
In general, domestic shipments are in transit for 2 - 7 days
Transit time Internationally
Generally, orders shipped internationally are in transit for 4 - 22 days. This varies greatly depending on the courier you have selected. We are able to offer a more specific estimate when you are choosing your courier at checkout.
Procesing Times Vary
Wholesale 2-3 Weeks Business Days
Retail 7-10 Busines Days
Our warehouse operates on Monday - Friday during standard business hours, except on national holidays at which time the warehouse will be closed. In these instances, we take steps to ensure shipment delays will be kept to a minimum.